5 High Quality Father’s Day Gift Ideas – That are actually worth buying!

Maybe the worst thing about Father’s Day are the cliche gifts you get that you know you will never use and that are never going to hold up.  Neck ties and flasks are nice, but us dads usually have plenty of that from years past.  Here are some items that I personally own that I think would make great Father’s Day gifts.  These items are good quality, relatively affordable, useful, and durable enough to last a long time!  Every dad is into something different but this list is geared towards the dad that loves to cook and grill.

Here are my 5 High Quality Father’s Day Gift Ideas:

First up is really a set of 3 different items that go together.  I love my lodge cast iron pan but the handles get HOT, especially right out of the oven!  Having handle holders are very helpful and a silicon scraper makes quick work of clean-up.  Just don’t leave them on your skillet while it’s in the oven!

Next up is a meat thermometer.  What I like about this particular thermometer is that the probe is long enough to keep your hand away from a hot grill or stove.  It has most of the same features as any other meat thermometer you might find online but not burning off your knuckle hairs is nice!

A specialty item for sure, but having a good pastry cutter is a must if you’re making biscuits or pie crust from scratch!  This model has served me well and has all of the features that are essential; flat and vertical blades, thick metal, and a comfortable handle.  This will definitely help dad get a good forearm workout in the kitchen!

Who doesn’t like to have an adult beverage when they are cooking or grilling?  Exactly!  This corkscrew wine bottle opener will take care of anything you can throw at dad!  It is available in myriad colors and has a proper bottle opener.  There is no doubt it will make short work of any corked beverage imaginable.The foldout knife blade for opening foil wrapping has stayed relatively sharp over the years.  You can also get great leverage on even the most stubborn corks.

This last gift idea is for serious cooks only…or green power tool fanboys 🤣 I use this Ryobi infrared thermometer whenever I cook pizza to make sure my pizza stones are hot enough!  It also comes in handy when the weather changes.  Sometimes, I want to be certain that I’m getting cold or hot air out of my vents in the house!  You could use it anytime you want to check the temperature of just about anything else in your house too.  Check temperatures in attics, car engines, and whatever else.

Don’t let the dad in your life awkwardly open a gift he knows will never get used.  These high quality Father’s Day gift ideas will have more meaning and actually get used around the house.

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