Easy 3 Ingredient Beginner Guacamole

If you are in need of an easy beginner guacamole recipe, you’re in the right place!  Having a simple guacamole recipe in your back pocket is almost as essential as your wallet.  And this easy 3 ingredient beginner guacamole will soon serve as your go-to.  It’s simple enough on its own, but also serves as a great starting point to try out other ingredients and flavors.  Guacamole is such an easy dip to make and we eat it on weekends for a quick and lite lunch.  You probably already have two of the ingredients in your pantry.  So let’s go get some avocados and get smashing!

How to Make 3 Ingredient Beginner Guacamole

This recipe really could not get any easier.  The recipe is based on a simple to remember ratio based on how many MEDIUM to LARGE avocados you have.

Here is the ratio: For every medium to large avocado, use ¼ Teaspoon each of garlic powder and garlic salt!  That’s it! It seriously is the easiest ever guac recipe.  

Prep your Avocados:

  • Rinse and dry your avocados
  • Slice in half from top to bottom so that you have two symmetrical pieces
  • Carefully remove the large seed using a spoon or the technique shown in my video above
  • Score each half of the avocado in a criss cross pattern
  • Squeeze each half into a medium mixing bowl
  • Repeat with any remaining avocados

Add in your seasonings:

  • Sprinkle in ¼ Teaspoon each of garlic powder and garlic salt!


  • Using a potato masher or fork, smash to your desired consistency.  Some like it chunky, and others like it smooooth!  You do you.
  • Serve with your favorite chips or crackers and enjoy!
3 simple ingredients and that’s it

Ideas for customizing this Guacamole:

  • Add in different flavors or ingredients that might not seem typical
    • Garlic is obviously an important flavor in this guac, so maybe try some oven roasted garlic instead of the garlic powder.
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